Khokho is an indigenous Indian game you would love to play. It has some similarities with Ghana’s anto ankyire game. Kho Kho is a popular tag and ancient game invented in Maharashtra, India. It is played by teams of 12 nominated players out of fifteen, of which nine enter the field who sit on their knees (chasing team), and 3 extra (defending team) who try to avoid being touched by members of the opposing team. It is one of the two most popular traditional tag games in the Indian subcontinent.

The Khokho federation of Ghana in collaboration with SportDrive is developing the game in the country. The team was at Oyarifa Presby JHS today to introduce the students to the game and it’s amazing how they picked up quickly and fell in love with the games. A very big thank you to Mr. Ewura Karim Adams who made it possible.

If you want us to visit your school or your ward’s school, kindly comment below or send us a direct message on Instagram at @sportdrive_inc and we will attend to you.

Let’s bring back our indigenous games. Sankofa yenkyiri ✌🏼

God bless Ghana Sports.





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